
All NewsNetherlands

Saturday November 3 a new sport was presented in Groningen

Saturday November 3 a new sport was presented in Groningen: Padbol. The mix between foot volley, volleyball and squash has been practiced in Groningen since this week, thanks to former FC Groningen player Gregoor van Dijk. Van Dijk now lives in Portugal and got to know Padbol there. On Saturday, the introduction of Padbol took…

All NewsRomania

Padbol, daily training at Gheorghe Hagi Football Academy!

The CEO of Hagi’s famous Academy decided to introduce Padbol in the daily trainings of the kids and young football payers! Due to the many benefits of Padbol for the young players, in the summer of 2017 management of the club has considered as necessary to bring a padbol court into the main training facilities….

All NewsBelgium

A la découverte du Padbol, un mix entre Padel et Foot tennis

Partons à la découverte d’une nouvelle discipline, le “Padbol”. Une appellation qui fait sourire en français… Ce sport a été créé en 2008 en Argentine et est également très populaire au Brésil et en Uruguay. Le Padbol se développe aussi en Europe, surtout dans le Sud… Les Espagnols sont d’ailleurs champions du monde et d’Europe…

All NewsNordic

Padbol with Zlatan Ibrahimović + Paul Pogba + Henrik Larsson

With great satisfaction today we can announce that the Swedish company Padel Zenter – headed by its president Thomas Sandström and one of the most popular and loved footballers from around the world, Zlatan Ibrahimović – has become the exclusive representative of Padbol for the Nordic countries. By this way Padbol will come with the…